Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Basic Element

"But it would be good to have a description of the basic element of the structure of vengeance, the element at the root of all that comes derived from it." --Silo, Grotte, Italy, 06/05/2008,

I believe that the basic element of the structure of vengeance (and therefore also of violence) lies in the basic instinct of individual survival -- as compensating elements to man's inadequacy, his lackings, his fears, his frustrations. This mechanism that has helped the survival not just of the individual but has helped the survival of the species itself is now at a crossroad. It has helped man survive nature's catastrophic elements. It has helped man advance in his quest for a better life, a better future. It has helped man advance his knowledge, his science, his technology.

But this same mechanical instinct to preserve himself is now becoming its own liability -- almost its own enemy. It is clear that all his concerns and fears of his ancient past are now all mere illusions. He should realize by now, that he does not have to worry about where and how to get his dinner, neither does he have to worry that he will be the next dinner. There is actually more than enough food for every single person in the world -- if only the one's who have more start sharing with those who have less. The fact is, there is more than enough of everything for everyone if these are shared equitably. This is the real equilibrium -- the real justice. This is the only way to get out of this disequilibrium. Not by acting in compensating violence.

Man should cease trying to protect his body alone. He should also start protecting his soul – by concerning himself with his spirit. He should stop acting mechanically. He should start acting intentionally.

This natural mechanicity to survive should be replaced by his intentionality to surpass even his own nature.

This is true for the individual. This is true for the entire species.

"If you impel your being in a luminous direction, you will find resistance and fatigue at every step. There are things to blame for this fatigue in the ascent. Your life weighs; your memories weigh; your previous actions impede the ascent. The climb is made difficult by the action of your body, which tends to dominate." –Silo, The Inner Look,