Monday, December 15, 2008

The Instinct of Nonviolence


The Instinct of Nonviolence

The two basic instincts of the human being are the instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of the conservation of the species.

I believe that in the future - and hopefully, the near future - a new instinct, a new mechanism, will be added to the two original mechanisms of the human being. I would like to call this new instinct, this new mechanism, the "instinct of nonviolence".

I also believe that the day will come when this instinct will be integrated in the human gene just like the first two instincts, and that it will be more dominant than these first two. In such a way, that when confronted with a particular situation - especially, a negative one - man will act or react in a nonviolent way, automatically.

This will transpire when we, as a species have finally integrated the "Principle of Nonviolence" that says -

"Treat others like they were Sacred.
Because, they are.

And because, you are!"


"'The Sacred is within us and nothing bad can happen in this profound search for the Un-nameable.' I believe that something very good will happen when human beings find the Meaning, so many times lost and so many times found again in the twists and turns of History." --Silo


"Learn to treat others in the way that you want to be treated.

Learn to surpass pain and suffering in yourself, in those close to you, and in human society.

Learn to resist the violence that is within you and outside of you.

Learn to recognize the signs of the sacred within you and around you"

--Silo, The Path, Silo's Message
